Rhino 6 Script Compiler


Do we have a new Rhino Script Compiler for Rhino 6 ?

No; V6 will load and run scripts compiled for V5

Hi, i made different vbscripts, compiled with RhinoScript Compiler for Rhino 5 , so the result is that i have an *.rhp plugin that works with rhino5 bit not with rhino6.

in rhino6 the plugin is correctly loaded but is empty (no commands inside)

do you have any solutions?


@mconti Have you checked the uncompiled script runs in V6? I’ve had some scripts fail in V6 that needed small modification, after updating they ran fine inV6 and V5.


Yes, i do…
Only one script, executed with the EditScript of Rhino 6 works fine, compiled as rhp, load the script but doesn’t load the command…

Is this because on the command name i have the “_” char ???

i remove the “_” char from the name and now works fine…

It’s possible, but I’m not sure. If you send me your plug-in that doesn’t work, I could try to determine what is going wrong while loading the plug-in.

with this name works : CMSAlignserie
with this name doesn’t : CMS_Alignserie