Rhino 5 for Mac Release Candidate 3

A third Release Candidate (RC3) for Rhino 5 for Mac is now available. It is a full commercial product that runs with 90-day evaluation, commercial, and educational (but not WIP) license keys. When you enter your evaluation license key, you will start your 90-day evaluation period. If you already entered your evaluation key for a previous Release Candidate, you will not need to enter it again.

We will ship RC3 as Rhino 5 for Mac unless you tell us about a significant problem.

What will happen:

  1. Visit http://www.rhino3d.com/download/rhino-for-mac/5/evaluation to download RC3.
  2. We will send you an email with your Rhino for Mac 90-day evaluation license key and a download link.
  3. In the next few weeks, we will announce Rhino for Mac, including special introductory pricing and where to buy. You will be among the first to know.


Please let us know if you see a problem that should be fixed before we release.

Items fixed in RC3:

  • Many command help topics would display an “unknown command” message. This has been fixed.
  • Some issues with license validation have been fixed.
  • The DupLayer command is broken and has been removed.