Revit to Rhino File Conversion

Seems that Rhino does not import native Revit files. Any Revit users willing to open a native revit file and save as Rhino format as a nice gesture? This file is from a product supplier. We are wanting to explore design options using this vendors product.

FF Arc - Pattern 1.rvt (1.1 MB)
FF Arc - Pattern 2.rvt (1.1 MB)
FF Arc - Pattern 3.rvt (1.2 MB)

What Rhino version are you targeting?

Here is a Rhino 8 file with each Pattern file on a different Layer.

Revit_To_Rhino_Convert_PatternFiles.3dm (523.9 KB)

Also note that similar Revit families are blocks that go across the 3 patterns and have product info in the description.

Version 8 here. @Japhy , many thanks for the file translation!

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