I changed the type of a window element in Revit via Grasshopper with the component “Element Type Property”. Now in addition to changing the type, I´d like to also highlight the elements in color in the Revit viewport. Is that possible? For example by using the “Custom Preview” - Component? Anyone any ideas? Thank you so much!
Could you clarify what do you mean by custom preview component?
Do you mean you want to physically change the color of the element in Revit? If so
What would be the manual steps using Revit ui to do that ?
Because there’s many ways to color in An element and Revit using the ui
just want to know which way you want to do it then I would have a better understanding on how to help you solve your issue thanks
I´d like not to physically change the color in Revit. Maybe it´s more clear like that: For example, if I have a surface made in GH and click on the component it highlights the preview in Rhino. And now I want the same in Revit: I´d like to click on a component in GH and then the window for example gets highlighted in Revit. The best would be if I could change the color of the preview like here: Custom Preview - Grasshopper
We Will have to let Mcneel take that one
I don’t believe that is a feature at the moment that sounds more like a feature request @kike@scottd ?
you could make your own custom GH component that will change the color of the Revit Window via the Element override method from the REVIT API like so… doc.ActiveView.SetElementOverrides(elemId, overrideGraphicSettings); but you would need to “feed” in the elementid
and you want to take it a step further where when you “click” on the component/node then the elementID that is stored in that component/node will extract the element id and pass it to the setelementoverride custom node. … again that one would be for McNeel because that is a bit more complicated or you or anyone would know how to do that could write a custom component… is that what you wanted to do?
the first approach sounds very much like what I´m looking for! Could you explain it a bit more detailed how I can manage to create my own component? Is it possible with python? C# unfortunatelyy I´m not good at it. I do have the elementid of the Revit windows.
Since colored meshes are working in Revit Shaded modes, you can use it as a workaround to highlight geometry in your model.
It would be nice to have a Custom Preview in Revit, the problem is as you can see in the video when the previewed geometry perfectly overlays with geometry that is already on the model.
ok looks like you got it solved here
thx @kike
also a point of clarification @kike
I thought that the only thing that is “previewed in Revit” is GH geometry?
if so that means that a selected element from Revit via GH is auto “converted” to GH geometry and thus previewed in Revit? or am I simplifying it too much? thanks
I am quite curious about the possibility of having something like the custom component from grasshopper that also modifies grasshopperˋs geometries preview in the Revit viewport.
What I mean is that I wantˋt to be able to control grasshopper geometries that do not exist in Revit (or at least not yet, reason to be as a preview), but not in this default reddish transparent way.
In the rhino viewport I can customize each grasshopper mesh/brep preview to use a color shader like a swatch or even a rhino material (pbr), however none of it shows up in the Revit viewport. Is this due to rhino material non existing in Revit doc, is it something to do with the OpenGL being used?
Any idea would be appreciated.
Yes, I have tested this.
By using vertex colors in the geometry one could see it colored, however still with transparenze look and not as good as it can be seen in the actual rhino viewport preview.
Definitely, support for materials would improve it.
Is there any beta release of it, or estimated dates?