Reverse Engineering (mesh to NURBS)

I was doing some review today, on what R7 has to offer the users that haven’t updated yet. They commonly ask me “what’s R7 got that R5 can’t already do?” omg :rofl:

Anyway, so I stumbled on this tool and noticed you can get R7 to produce the curves too! what! :smiley: :open_mouth:
spits out coffee :coffee: what :face_with_monocle: :exploding_head:

I could use this for extracting edge curves for NURBS that flow nice around high detailed inflection areas what! :exploding_head: I’m assuming you can do this on meshes idk… maybe have to convert first and juggle the workflow.

I must’ve seen this before and just forgot. Glad I’m doing review. :face_with_monocle:

Omg add this to ‘quad remesh’ and I’m seeing some serious RE tools! :sunglasses: :money_mouth_face: