Request ViewCaptureToFile / ViewCaptureToClipboard White Background

I know the option is there for a transparant background, I would like to request an option for white background as well. The windows clipboard doens’t play nicely with transparant backgrounds. When I paste into whatsapp or paint, background is completely black.

(the saved PNG files do work well together with whatsapp or paint, but I like the convinience of just using the clipboard)

Edit: Paint in Windows 11 doesnt seem to allow the copied viewcapture from the clipboard at all. Can’t paste the viewcapture into paint wether transparentbackground is on or off.

Not sure what’s actually broken… ViewCaptureToFile with the format set to PNG makes a transparent background, no problem. ViewCaptureToClipboard pastes as black in most places apparently.

In Googling around, there seem to be opinions that the Windows clipboard can support transparency but it depends on what is actually copied to the clipboard in the source app AND what the target app does with the copied info.

Yes, I also think the problem doesn’t lie with Rhino itself.

Probably a Windows Clipboard issue.

But having a White Background could fix the issue anyway I think :slight_smile:

What’s interesting is if I do the reverse - I create an image with a transparent background via .png and open that in Photoshop, then Ctrl+A to copy it to the clipboard in PS and Ctrl+V to paste it (as a picture) in Rhino, the transparent background arrives as white. Even funnier, the extents of the image has been cropped to a rectangle surrounding the non-transparent pixels - if there was transparent padding all around the non-transparent part of the image, it has been cropped off.

Oh, I forgot the most important test! :person_facepalming:

  • Use ViewCaptureToClipboard to capture something in Rhino with transparent background checked.
  • Then Ctrl+V immediately to paste the clipboard image back into Rhino as a Picture object.
  • The pasted Picture image will have a transparent background.

So, conclusion - in this case the transparency info is being sent to the clipboard by Rhino and it is also being correctly re-interpreted by Rhino… Therefore the clipboard does support transparency if things are correctly managed by the source app, and if the receiving app also manages things correctly, it is possible to get a pasted image with transparency.

BTW, what you can do as a workaround is create a custom display mode with a white background and use it to do your screen captures (without transparency).

Yeah, that is basically what I’m doing right now.

Changing background to solid white color before making a screenshot. Then afterwards changing it back. It’s just time consuming and burns my eyes everytime I change the background to white :smiley:

Probably might even be possible to create a macro or a script to do the changing of the background color before and after a screenshot automatically.

Anyway, glad to hear Rhino is at least doing everything as it’s suposed to :slight_smile: