Replicate Volumetric Noise with Dendro?

Is there a way to replicate in Grasshopper what can be seen on this video?

Basically using volume builder, a random noise pattern is applied…
I am thinking maybe Dendro can be used to make use of OpenVDB library, but not sure how to replicate the random field…

Creating this kind of geometry with spheres would also be nice…

Dendro is a wonderful tool. I don’t think this has been implemented. As Dendro is a part of OpenVdb I think isosurfacing could be implemented.
At the moment you must use isosurfacing. Millipede is good. Perhaps Jellyfish Dodo Kampecaris … and

And for the noise you can use many tools like 4dnoise Tundra or Nautilus


Hi Laurent, thanks for the references.

But in this case it is a noise that is subtracting? Like making a boolean difference?

I think you don’t understand, noise in these tool is a scalar field, meaning it is a numeric value (a weight, a double a float …) that can be given to each point of the space. To make that to a volume you just have to choose a range of value you want.
Iso surface view from Millipede

Point view

Dendro view with points transformed to spheres

iso (11.7 KB)


Ohh so the noise simply culls points and then voxelization is run. Thank you Lauren!

I don’t follow why Millipide is needed? If Dendro is only required to do the voxelization.

I cheat a bit, Millipede, Kampecaris … will give you the frontier where there is a change in the weight.
If limit is 0.5 and weight between 0 and 1
Good tool will give the black line (face in reality)
Dendro will use green dot and add a sphere.

As I said I am quite sure the functionality exists in OpenVdb and wasn’t implemented in Dendro