Replace a section of 3D mesh

I have this 3D mesh:

Versace model

I intend to replace the face of the above 3D model with the face from the following 3D mesh:

3D face

The 1st 3D model is substantially larger than the 2nd 3D face.


I don’t have much experience with Rhino3D and I’m confused what’s the workflow. Can anyone help? Some hints about the workflow.

I uploaded my 3D meshes here: replace-3D-face.7z - Google Drive

Scale the 2nd face to the same of the 1st face.Draw curve to the outside of the 1 st face then use mesh boolean split command and adjust it and then join it.

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Would be a lot easier if you found a coin shape without a face already on it - there must surely be something like that on the internet. Or do you absolutely need to use that base shape?

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@ftzuk You’re right. I intend it to be a Versace 3D model. I couldn’t find a Versace 3D model without a face so far.

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@ftzuk Looks great. Thanks. Can I get to know your exact workflow and the tools you used?

I don’t work with meshes often so just used Shrinkwrap to close it - there’s other ways to close it but I wanted to get this done quick. Maybe someone else can advise on best way to close the mesh without needing to shrinkwrap.

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