I want to render a salt grinder and I am wondering if there is a way to fill up a glass with salt crystals and render it nicely.
I would appreciate any advice.
I want to render a salt grinder and I am wondering if there is a way to fill up a glass with salt crystals and render it nicely.
I would appreciate any advice.
Maybe something like this?
Collision with the actual crystals would be heavy in the simulation, but you could simply replace the spheres with crystals afterwards.
Hi Leo,
Searching the forum for salt throws up, inter alia, Classic salt and pepper shaker set
Thanks, it seems like that’s exactly what I was looking for, but I don’t have any experience with grasshopper at all. I don’t have the time right now, but it’s great for future reference!
Thanks Jerry!
Seems like an easy fix, I’ll try that!
Sure… somehow I thought you are looking for something
Like this. For fine grain salt definitely overkill to simulate
Yes, that’s exactly what I was looking for! But outside of my abilities considering the amount of time I have to make this work.
model the salt shaker, and find a bitmap of salt crystals to use as a texture for the interior glass.
I set this up in less than 2 minutes using a texture I found on google images, and setting up a couple of materials (using Vray, but you can get similar or better results in rhino/cycles)
Thanks richard, that seems to work best so far. The shape is a bit complicated, which makes the mapping difficult and the top is exposed. I guess I’ll have to play around in Photoshop a bit afterwards.
Leo Alt, i did something similar some time ago. Like this? (it’s not finished, there is still a lot of noise in the render image).
Rendered with Vray:
Hi davide,
that looks pretty damn close to what I wanted to achieve. How did you do it?
A shape repeated randomly in three directions; you apply a texture to these shapes. Insert them in a container and go, adjust all the parameters in Vray and launch the render. Said like this it seems easy…
Doesn’t sound so easy to me
How did you repeat that shape randomly?
Grasshopper for example…