Rendering not working properly

Hi, I’ve been working with Rhino for a while and never had these two problems before, I hope someone can help me:
1- Some PNG images are rendered with a white background where it should’t be.
2- The render is “incomplete”, there are some areas where the render is black althought Rhino says that it is finihsed. Morevover, when changing the perspective some pieces of the model might be rendered kind of transparent.
While working on the model everything is right, both problems just apper on the render.
I’m sorry if my grammar or spelling is wrong, english isn’t my first language. I’ll leave some images so that you can understand what I am refering to.

Rhino or Mac? Which version - 5 or 6 or WIP? What are you using for render software? Is this something that changed recently - maybe with a Windows update or Rhino update?

I’m using Rhinoceros 6 and Rhino Render for the render. I don’t have any update available for Rhino or Windows

Hi Maria - could you post a simple scene that is giving you troubles? Just from those pictures, it’s impossible to tell what’s going on.

Ok, so this is what I see while working on the model which is totally fine:

But once I render it, I get this:

Hi Maria,

Can you select these objects please and use the command “Export” to save a 3dm file with just those objects?

I believe the issue is the curvature of the mannequin geometry versus the flat planes of the other glass or transparent materials. Rhino Render also doesn’t currently calculate indirect illumination but the figures can be made more transparent I bet with some material changes. You might find Raytraced mode is more what you’re after as well.

Also note that both Rhino Render and Raytraced use the color for transparency as a filter. Setting a middle gray (128,128,128) as transparency color with 100% transparency will let only 50% of light through. I’m guessing you have transparency actually lower than 100%, so you get even less light through.

For Rhino Render and Raytraced to do better for the mannequin you’d probably want to set transparency to 100%, IOR to 1.0 and a transparency color of say (245, 245, 245) or (250, 250, 250).

Hi Brian,
I have just exported them, but what should I do now with that file?

Thank you for the explanation! I haven’t used transparent materials too much, it really helped me.

Upload the 3dm here please so I can look at your material settings. If I understood correctly, you want the look you get for the transparent objects in the Rendered mode. They are too dark and not transparent enough in the actual Rendering.

Oh, no that’s not what I’m struggling to. Look, this is what I expected:

And this is what I got, I surrounded the “things” that I don’t know why they are there. As you can see, there are black spots and transpariencies where it shouldn’t.

I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, I hope I have explained myself better.

That looks like coincident surfaces then due to duplicated geometry. If you upload a 3dm file it is easier to tell.

I can’t upload it here as it’s big file so here it is:

Thanks, the issue is coincident surfaces with your glass. Select the sand and gravel objects and scale them in 3D using the Gumball by holding Shift and then click and release in one of the scale handles on the Gumball to type a value. Use 1.005 and the objects will be in the wall of the glass making them not coincident. You could also scale them to the inside of the glass but this takes longer to render.

For future reference, select only the objects needed to explain your question and use the Export command to export just that selection like this 3dm which shows the scaled version as shown above.
Escenario-sample-export.3dm (19.7 MB)

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Thank you so much!!