Render resolution custom entries

Hello Team,

there is the dropdown in the render panel from where one of the preset resolutions can be picked.

I never use any of these resolutions. The aspect ratio I use is almost always 3:2, so I have to set a custom resolution via the text input fields. However, putting in a custom resolution and then locking it via the checkbox does not work. It will always reset either x or y to some value that makes the aspect ratio fit that of the viewport. Though this bug can be fixed, I would like to know if there can be more improvements made to make life a bit easier for those who frequently use certain resolutions that aren’t part of the presets in the dropdown.

I hope there is a simple solution like adding own custom resolutions to a textfile somewhere in the installation folders?

Adding your custom resolutions via a text file is exactly what you can do:

Check under Preset Sizes.

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Perfect, thank you very much!

Looks like this was possible for a long time already? How could I have missed this. Anyway, works fine. My custom resolutions are all listed together at the top of the dropdown list - it’s perfect like that. Would they have been mixed in by resolution size, it would have been less quick to choose from for me.

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Any idea how to do this on Mac rhino? the Docs only explain on how to on Windows.

the app folder looks like this on Mac:

thanks a lot

It seems there is currently no way to do that on Mac
RH-77313 Add custom size presets to render resolutions for Mac users

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