Render problem?

Render Test.3dm (5.1 MB)

I’m getting this weird issue the last few days where my surface isn’t rendering. I’ve set the surface the same way I have with hundreds of other files, but this is the second time that even with everything set fine, it doesn’t show.

Any thoughts on what is going on here?

Hi @Asti
The curve marked in red has quite a few control points below your tolerance at the pointy ends - and in general your curves are wayyyy to detailed for your tolerances. Either clean up those curves or scale up your geometry or make sure you start out with tighter tolerances. But if you clean up that particular curve, it should work :slight_smile:

HTH, Jakob

I see, thanks. Friend provided the file and asked for a sample before laser cutting but the file is a little evil. I’ve spent over an hour fixing lines on it :frowning:

Hi Sara -

That’s an understatement:)
Even if you scale up the curves by a factor of 100 and explode them, lots and lots of the segments will be shorter than the recommended one magnitude larger than the document tolerance. Not to mention bad continuity between segments.

Does that mean that you need something else than the surface that Jakob shows?
Depending on the scale of the final product, you could look into rebuilding all curves in chunks of curves with similar length. Ideally, all curves are redrawn manually…

Points are on top of points and there are randomly areas where it looks like someone got upset and just scribbled in a spot.

Quick question. Curious how you focused in on that point so quickly. Dots to shape ratio or something else?

Hi @Asti
Simply by selecting groups of curves and making a planar srf from them and seeing when it failed.
HTH, Jakob