Render all viewport on one click


there is something that I do very often.

1- saving many different viewport as “named view”
2- using '_ViewCaptureToFile to save all the views one by one as jpeg

I was wondering if there is a way to do it automatically instead of manually…
when I have something like 10 saved viewport and I have 3 batch of different colors, it take me a life to produce thoose 30 pics :

I’am using '_ViewCaptureToFile because of the differences you have between renders and and viewport as we have it here :

Render differences between viewport and renders - Rendering - McNeel Forum

I have try a solution with grasshopper “Human”
but for some reason it don’t work :

any one of view have an Idea ?


just FIY, froGH has a couple of components that might be of use for your case, allowing you to set camera position, zoom level to objects, use named views, display mode and launch multiple view captures.

Just look at the 06-1_froGH-Human_Camera Control Zoom + Save example files (Rhino + gh), instructions are in the gh example file.