Remove axis icon from print layout

despite have grid axis, grid axes and world axes icon turn off, it shows in my printed layouts. Where can I disable this ?

Hi Chris -

I’m not able to reproduce that here. Does that widget turn up at the corner of every detail on a layout?

it does

Here a recording

using python to automate the process of create layout, and details

  • noticed it after creating a highres print for art exhibited … well , let’s call it an easter-egg for now, but would be great if we can resolve it. Thanks for looking in to it. I’ll see if I can clean the code of the used python nodes for you to test


It’s hard to tell, but, from that video, it looks like you are using some capturing to the clipboard and then pasting that on a layout? In plain Rhino, the ViewCaptureToClipboard command has an option to turn the World Axes on or off.
-wim (45.9 KB)
and resulting image

including display_mode.ShowWorldAxes = False has no effect

on closer inspection, I notice it’s not just once, but multiple icons that get embedded in my image file. Here detail of large print

icon are emphasized as black markings

Hi Chris -
I see that a world axes widget is added to new layouts when that setting is turned off in the document properties.
→ RH-83916 Layout: Rhino Grid Settings Are Not Used

For the time being, you’d have to turn that off in the document settings before using the “layout_print_file” in that Grasshopper script.

There might be ways to set this option using python, and/or change something so that the script doesn’t move the widget from its normal position (bottom left corner of the viewport that shows the layout), to the bottom left corner of the layout.

thanks win, here a python code that hides it in Layout as well, not just the normal view. Thanks for helping me debug

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino

# Set the nickname of the Grasshopper component
ghenv.Component.NickName = "Py3_HideGridAndAxes"

def hide_grid_and_axes():
    # Iterate through all views in the document, including both model and layout views
    for view in Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views:
        if isinstance(view, Rhino.Display.RhinoPageView):  # Check if it's a layout view
            # Get the detail views within the layout
            for detail in view.GetDetailViews():
                detail.Viewport.ConstructionGridVisible = False
                detail.Viewport.ConstructionAxesVisible = False
                detail.Viewport.WorldAxesVisible = False
                detail.CommitViewportChanges()  # Apply changes to the detail viewport
            # For model views, hide the grid and axes
            viewport = view.MainViewport
            viewport.ConstructionGridVisible = False
            viewport.ConstructionAxesVisible = False
            viewport.WorldAxesVisible = False
        # Redraw the view to apply changes

# 'hide' is the button input from Grasshopper (True when pressed)
if hide:

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RH-83916 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 13

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