I would like to remesh one brep based on the curvature of another mesh, how can I achieve this in a clean way (like with results of Triremesh), Thank you.
remeshing.gh (114.9 KB)
I would like to remesh one brep based on the curvature of another mesh, how can I achieve this in a clean way (like with results of Triremesh), Thank you.
remeshing.gh (114.9 KB)
To check I’m understanding correctly - you want to have the flat surface meshed with density increasing where the corresponding parts of the curved mesh have more curvature?
Exactly what I need.
It looks like your Brep is a QuadRemesh-SubD-NURBS conversion with many patches. I think it would be better to work from the starting geometry if you have it - as the conversion could introduce some artefacts when getting the curvature.
I see. I updated the file. Thanks
Thanks for the suggestions. Looks promising.
The way @DanielPiker gets curvature attributes of the first mesh is right. I am wrong.
You should combine two scripts to get the right result.
remeshing Edited V2 Combined.gh (2.0 MB)
wait wtf that’s pretty interesting
even the triangulation reminds me of some reverse engineering technology.
but is there a way to align two meshes with precision?