I love how TriRemesh doesn’t stupidly follow the Nurbs UVs like Rhino’s mesher and rather follows the topology of a shape.
Equilateral triangles hava all sorts of benefits, but I wonder if it would be possible to enhance thjis tool with an adaptive input, allowing to make smaller triangles in areas of strong curvature, similar to the QuadRemesh component ?
Didn’t MeshMachine do this?
Can’t remember…
If it was, why did it go away ? Any idea where I could find it now ?
There is 2 meshmachine, I still use them.
One is there and the other ?
Maybe, we could experiment with the potential of Tri-Remesh a bit further. I’m not quite sure…
AdaptiveTriremesh_re.gh (15.5 KB)
I’ve gotten good results with the RemeshByColour component in Kangaroo. Gives you a lot of control as you can define the color by anything you want and thus gives you a little more fine grained control over the size of the triangles.
Thanks for pointing that. I strangely never use it.
This work well with my plugin Nautilus as I output now color
Here with reaction diffusion
Belousov Zhabotinsky
Noise on mesh
I’ve not forgotten about this. TriRemesh fixed some bugs in the old MeshMachine, and I still haven’t released a version with the same fixes for variable edge lengths, but I’m working on some new stuff with fields that ties in with this.
Great work Laurent
This is quite strange. It looks like you hacked TriRemesh.
How did you come up with this idea ?