Dendro does not magic on that. The parameter Adaptivity will decrease the faces number in low curvature region. But the level of detail/ precision is given by the Voxel Size. If you don’t want to decrease it, you’ll have to use Smooth component. Play with the options and iterations they have very different behaviors. Some needs lot of iterations some not.
You must read discussions on Dendro, you must find some others example
Here some of my first test of Dendro plugin.
To my point of view this plugin brings the power of OpenVdB in Rhino/Grasshopper. It will certainly be very useful for jewelry, dental, lattices … and all mesh related projects.
A ring done with my ring generator, similar to Nervous Cell Cycle. I just spend less than 1 hour to do that. Dendro took 6 seconds !! It is fast, very fast. Wahou thanks @ryein
For Dendro you could use negative offset
it is also better to smooth the polylines before using them in Dendro. I am not a master of Datatree handling in GH, I prefer C# for that, so the DataTree handling here is awful.
Smooth with some fillet corner.
Or some smoothing of polyline
it is doable to make the cuts, but at the moment Rhino/Grasshopper are not very good at that.
Here a solution using Dendro. There are many ways with Dendro to make smooth nodes/sponge.
See here for others sponge related geometry
3D Voronoi Porous (23.5 KB)
for what it is worth, here a solution with Grasshopper and Dendro, it is surely not the best for the Skull as it is a quite simple geometry, but Dendro puts the power of OpenVDB in Rhinoceros. So it is a good alternative to very good mesh software like Blender, Houdini, Meshmixer …
I also use Clipper for offset
The script has 2 parts
One to extract the upper part and to make the tool to make the upper hole (I offset in 2D using Clipper).
The other part is boolean with mesh usi…