Hi, I’m working on a GH script to create some driving axis inside a Revit Adaptive Family. Those axis have to be Revit Reference Lines, that are driven by Revit Reference Points Adaptive. I was able to create those points with the code, but I can not figure out how to create the lines with the code so that they are connected with the points and driven by them.
Hi Davide,
Can you provide a small example as well as details on the version your are using? Thanks!
Hi Japhy,
thank you for the reply. Below you can see a snapshot from the GH script.
Basically what I want to achieve with Python or C#, is to create branches in order to have couples of points (start, end points), and then to create a Revit Reference Lines from that input list. Below an example of the reference line.
I’ll share the python script as well for reference.
Python Ref lines creation.gh (5.1 KB)
Thanks in advance for the support!
I’m not seeing a lot out there on this workflow. Have you posted to the Revit API forum?
Hi Japhy,
attached you can find the revit adaptive family (revit 2023) and a portion of the GH script. Basically I need to connect the reference point with reference lines, see the image below.
Adaptive family test.rfa (524 KB)
GH example.gh (11.7 KB)
I’ve added the topic on Revit API forum as well:
Reference lines driven by reference points in Revit Family Adaptive - Autodesk Community
Post your code block too. The grasshopper screenshot isn’t going to mean anything to them, but the python code would be almost the same.