I use linked blocks with reference style layers, as I prefer to edit these files in an separate rhino.
but when I save a file and update the block in the block manager of the file where I inserted the reference block, there is no update of the print colour. not even if I reopen rhino. That also goes for the layer color itself. I also tried replacing the file in the block properties, no luck either…
I just tried with a super simple file, just a few circles… and it should reveal the issue.
geometry is updated but not the layer print color or layer color
*edit: also lintype etc. are not updated…
something seems stuck.
I do not have the latest update installed yet, but not sure if there are any changes concerning this?
when I change the layer-name, all other edits are coming along with reloading, meaning printcolor,color,lintype, on/off etc.
if I don’t change the layer-name, no other properties are changed but added geometry is shown.