ReduceMesh improvements in Rhino WIP

ReduceMesh command now supports mesh point locking. This allows you to select portions of the mesh that you want to keep intact. If you for example need to keep the boundary edge of the mesh untouched then what you need to do is just to lock all the points along the boundary edges - in fact there is an automated option to lock naked edges.

How to get started:

  1. Start ReduceMesh command and select your mesh
  2. Set reduction percentage, 80 is usually a good starting point if you’re unsure how much is needed.
  3. Click Preview to see what the result would look like.
  4. Click Add in Locked mesh points section and select the points you would like to keep untouched.
  5. Click Preview again to see the impact of locking.
  6. Click Remove to unlock some of the locked points and then Preview again.
  7. Click OK if you are happy with the result or make further adjustments.

All feedback is highly appreciated - so please post any comments, wishes, bug reports or anything you have in mind.


Suggestion: The mesh point locking UI should be closed (collapsed) by default, and can be shown by uncollapsing. I think there’s value in having only the three radio buttons visible by default because it’s so simple.

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Hi Jussi,

Great addition.

I disagree with @DavidEranen in hiding functionality by default. It’s not much screenspace or extra confusing, however hiding it will make it less easy to discover and play with.

May I suggest to move Add All Naked to the top ( maybe even swap the checkbox and the All Naked button)
, it’s likely the most used option and I’d place it first. Having show checked as a default is good IMO


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Posted a video showing how mesh point locking can be used to reduce parts of a complex mesh model without loosing connectivity of the meshes:


Hi Jussi,
and also @DavidEranen maybe you find the suggestions I made here interesting.
Links to video and sample files are broken in that old post – but here they are again:


I think you’re making a good point, Holger. There’s a new YT item for this:

For smaller meshes preview saves time by simplifying the process of finding good reduction level. But for big meshes the preview only saves from consuming the undo stack memory.

Any news on the YT item? :°

Unfortunately no, preview speed ups are possible but only in the future versions of Rhino.

Are these Mesh commands, including Reduction, accessible from Grasshopper (via components or RhinoCommon) in WIP?

// Rolf

Hi Rolf,

Mesh reduction is accessible from GH using C# Script component. Attached is an example written by @nathanletwory: (8.4 KB)

Mesh point locking functionality is accessible using the advanced version of Mesh.Reduce:

Thanks. Sounds very good. Point locking looks impressive.! I will try it out in the coming days.

// Rolf

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Slightly related: it would be useful if the Mesh command also supported connecting to an existing mesh edge.

@menno After running Mesh you can use MatchMeshEdge command to re-tessellate the edges you want to connect and then Join the meshes.

Oh, that is brilliant! I did not know that MatchMeshEdges also re-tesselates the borders. Thansk a million :smile:

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