Robert McNeel & Associates are in decline

[quote=“Helvetosaur, post:91, topic:37603”]
Yep, exactly how it turns out… It hangs on the conversion to T-Splines, been running for a half hour now and no end in sight, so I’m killing it.[/quote]

Yeah, that’s no surprise.
With quite a bit of mesh based preprocessing one probably could make this model convert to surfaces but…

With stuff as complex as your scan of the alps (or the Thai statuette I posted) I simply fail to see the point for converting to surface data just for milling. It’s always a lossy process – and even if one wanted to later perforate the alps with accurate 10 cm holes and 2cm fillets one could do this with sufficient accuracy on mesh data.

And as Bob states : The first thing the CAM program does is triangulating your precious surfaces.
In extreme cases this would mean using a very complex process to create a quad mesh from triangulated data, which then gets converted to surfaces, only to get meshed again for milling.

Still @gustojunk, if you want to try this out, here’s the quadrangulated version of the statuette you would need as input in Fusion.