Reduce mesh display quality

I received a very dense mesh (600MB) from a 3D scan and need to populate a model with it. The problem is that it takes a long time for Rhino to respond when I move or rotate the mesh. Is there a way to reduce the mesh display quality while I position it? Currently, my workflow is to block a copy of the mesh, ReduceMesh, populate the model with the block, and then ReplaceBlock with a block of the original mesh.

Hi Lawrence - if you must have the unreduced mesh in place, then your workflow seems reasonable to me.


But is there a workflow where the mesh’s appearance is temporarily simplified, so I don’t have to do the blocking method?

Side question: why do my posts always get edited by McNeel personnel? It says “tags changed”, but what does that even mean?

Hi Lawrence, the tags change is probably me or someone marking the post as ‘handled’ which does indeed change a tag (that you cannot see).
The only degraded display available is that you can make objects display as bounding boxes while manipulating the view, but not, as far as I know, otherwise. You set this in the Display panel > BBox Display.


I got a hacknique / idea.

Make a copy of the mesh, then reduce the vertex count on the copy by 90% or as needed. Put the original on another layer and turn it off. You can now navigate the scene using the low-rez mesh for reference.

When you’re ready for a final render, turn off the low-rez mesh layer and then turn on the original hi-rez mesh layer.