I´d like to create a rectangular array inside a circle. ATM I have the array and the circle which should define the array area, but dont know how to proceed from that…
I´d like to create a rectangular array inside a circle. ATM I have the array and the circle which should define the array area, but dont know how to proceed from that…
…heres the GH definitionrec array inside circle.gh (10.1 KB) .
check this…
Btw, this a very common task…
There are plenty of solutions existing on this forum.
rec array inside circle_RE.gh (14.6 KB)
I know its VERY easy for someone who´s brain can communicate with GH, but for me its a matter of trial and error.
But I got it to work, the code is not that good but does what I wanted.
White group:
@Jakinta, your solution doesn’t account for the radius of the small circles; this does:
Works with polygons or any other curve shape instead of small circles, of course:
Same for the perimeter curve: