(17.9 KB)
I want to pattern (repeat) this shape.
I want to use a RECTANGULAR ARRAY, but how should I specify the cells in this case?
Please help me. Thank you. (17.9 KB)
I want to pattern (repeat) this shape.
I want to use a RECTANGULAR ARRAY, but how should I specify the cells in this case?
Please help me. Thank you.
By the way, I had to reduce my units tolerance to 0.01 to get this to work properly.
here’s a simple way
i’m going to bring these two curves in green , and rotate them with a copy of your rotate component
extract the end points of the rotated curves and create a bounding box, scale that by 2
finally, group your objects, pass that group to an rectangular array, use the scaled bounding box as the cell size
here’s the gh file
project3_2 [fixed].gh (18.7 KB)