Hello! Hope you’re well. I’m trying to make prototypes of the original column (that I posted the script of) and change it in a way that is similar to the two images I attached - one being a reciprocal tree-like fracture structure and one being the combined sticks connection. They’re both supposed to be simple pillars. Can anyone please help with changing the original script in a way to look like the two images attached? I would really appreciate it. Thank you!
Is this referring to another thread? I don’t have your plugins so can’t make much sense of your code, other than previews of random components in a complex GH file. Looks nice.
I’m trying to make 2 more columns that are similar to the images I sent. I don’t know how to start those, with or without plugins. Will you be able to help me get started on those, please?
I don’t see any obvious connection between the images and the GH code you posted? At least from the previews I posted, your images look entirely different to me. I’m working on something but… don’t hold your breath.
The curves still need to be connected at the bottom, and there are other possible refinements but as you can see, it’s completely unrelated to the GH you posted.
I’m not really sure anymore how much of this matches the image that inspired it…
P.S. This (below) might be the most anatomically correct yet, even though proportions and “stick” positions need further adjustment. The urge to quit gets strong when anything less than chaos emerges.