Hi all, currently am working on a concept model of sorts, and have created essentially some sweeped surfaces to represent bent Glulam panels.
As a proof of concept, pushed some of the geometry to RVT as GenericModel DirectShapes but the resultant lag was pretty terrible. I was wondering if there are any recommendations for the types of Geometry that can be pushed to RVT instead of a DirectShape? Or is there a way to optimize the surfaces better for this intent?
Many thanks in advance! Any thoughts/recommendations is deeply appreciated
Attached are screenshots of the intent and part of the end script.
Edit: Attaching the 3DM and GH for better context; geometry referencing the original RVT model (Structural Columns; Structural Beams) has been internalised as a Geometry component, placed below the specific Graphical Element components.
Baking back into Rhino shows you the complexity of the surfaces Revit is creating, this is why they Revit file gets so slow. These aren’t objects you’ll want in your project all the time. Depending on desired outcomes you could link these in when needed.
Anyhow the initial intent was to use Revit as a way of quick documentation as the concept develops, i.e. being able to extract (technical) drawings in sections/elevations for printing with data attached (for sketch developments) and so on.
Final outcome would definitely be about using Revit as the final documentation space though!
Totally understand the sample you provided, Revit is literally not keeping to pace with the initial intent . At that, that’s a wonderful suggestion about using Links instead for the time being!
Just curious too, when the concept develops further and is able to be rationalized without these really horrible tolerances for geometries (we’re hoping to bounce the idea into FEM components in a bit), are there any recommendations for the types of surfaces that is friendly to Revit? From the get-go, I am assuming the resultant Glulam panels are still going to be almost “1-piece” and not exactly faceted. Revit loves faceted stuff for some reason hahaha.
Revit likes lines and arcs, so simplifying any splines can help a lot here. There is potential for doing some sweeps in Revit once your geometry has gone through through your engineering process, to get native Revit geometry that won’t bog down a project with complex imported geometries.