I shut down and restarted several times. I also did “repair” using the install file.
I’m still missing these grasshopper scripts. How could I get these back?
oh, good point. I feel like I didn’t see “breakpoint” error after repairing from the installer file. I will update RiR and report back. Shouldn’t RiR update automatically with the latest update if the user has it installed?
I also restarted the computer afterwards. Still something is amiss. The grasshopper plugin seems to work when open in RiR grasshopper, but it is still empty in Rhino grasshopper Revit to Rhino.gh (23.9 KB)
I feel like I was still able to open from Rhino Grasshopper, but I could be mis remembering. But I was able to open a grasshopper script not related to Revit, so I will take it as solved after updating RiR from Revit.