Read PDF Layers in Grasshopper (Python)

I would like to modify the attached Python script to read PDF layers rather than 3DM layers, which is it currently set up to do. I tried modifying the Python code but was unable to figure it out. Can anyone help out? Thanks.

From this discussion:
How to read layer names of a remote 3dm file imported/referenced in the current GH file?)

Is this also going to be in Grasshopper? GH in Rhino 8 has new datatypes, so this is much easier.

Thanks @scottd! I’ve experimented with Rhino 8 and saw this functionality existed but didn’t have a chance to try it - thanks for the heads up! I’m still using Rhino 7, so this might be a great reason to upgrade to 8!


@scottd I had a follow up question. Do you know of a way to select the geometry from a particular layer using these new components? When I tried to filter my selection based on particular layer, it still seemed to still select every object. See attached. Any help would be appreciated!

Import (11.1 KB)
Sample PDF.pdf (2.0 KB)

What specifically should the selection be made on? We can get down to layer, but is there a specific curve on that layer?

Here are the general ways to group and filter the elements with the new tools:

But if there is a specific filter that is needed, we can both give it a try.

Here is an example walking thru the layers: (11.6 KB)

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Initially the questions was surrounding how to read in a PDF with Python. Here is code to read in a PDF to a headless doc that can be manipulated and potentially written back out:

#! python3

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
import math

import System
import System.Collections.Generic
import Rhino
import os
doc = Rhino.RhinoDoc.CreateHeadless(None)
options = Rhino.FileIO.FilePdfReadOptions()
options.LoadText = False

#prompt the user for a file to import
filter = "PDF file (*.pdf)|*.pdf||"
path = rs.OpenFileName("Open PDF File", filter)

doc.Import(path, options.ToDictionary())
print(f"{doc.Objects.Count} objects")
for obj in doc.Objects:
    nlayer = obj.Attributes.LayerIndex
    print(f"Layer Index is {nlayer}")

More can be found in this guide: Rhino - Code-Driven File IO

Thanks @scottd this works!