Random tiling grasshopper

I have 20 random 2D patterns. my target is to make tiles out of them (laser cut aluminum) for my final project (im a student) and to randomly place them on a rectangular grid (it has something like 80 cells so they would repeat themselves.
and i tried everything, pipe\multipipe gives a round outcome, and the extrude just isnt working. maybe because the patterns were made in grasshopper ( i dont have the original file… they were made with parakeet and then baked) i will upload the rhino file and example of what i would like to achieve.
any kind of help will be amazingg
Thank you!
this is the link to the rhino file-

these are my patterns

and this is what i what to achieve (tiles that can be laser cut)


322 MBytes :bangbang: Hah, good luck with that. Looks like you have an invalid mesh. Or 10,300+ curves, ungrouped by tile. :frowning:

If/when you manage to get tiles (perforated surfaces?), you will have to align them and assign them to grid positions. Jitter can be useful for randomizing their sequence.

You still have a lot of floating sections that will need to be connected if you’re going to lasercut.

If you insist on using these patterns you could also trace one section of them and do the sideways offset in rhino so that you can create a surface then pattern the surface, join it all and thicken it. Sometimes a problem just needs some manual labor.

(Or re-create them with Parakeet…)

as it was already said it is a bit a mess in you file. Putting each pattern in a layer could be one option (I did).
Then using some tool to filter by layer (I used LunchBox plugin) you can make a datatree of patterns

Then as patterns are no at same place, you can get the bounding box and calculate lower left point to move all patterns to the origin

You can offset patterns using Clipper, but as it was said you pattern will not be goof after laser cut. You’ll have to rework everything.

You can then group each pattern curves, then make random integer in order to have random patterns.

offset pattern.gh (17.8 KB)

And if you don’t want 2 same patterns touching nColor tool could help you

You’ll need Nautilus plugin

offset pattern no same pattern touching.gh (14.8 KB)

And if you don’t want also that there is a same pattern around (2 corner touching), use this component for connectivity (with true for edge and true for vertices)

And if you want to keep your pattern and to laser cut it you can use Nautilus tool Clean Overlapping Curves so you will end with something like that.I shatter all curves in order to have a clean output and I hope no loose parts

offset pattern no same pattern touching cut all curves.gh (20.8 KB)