I was hoping someone could help me to develop a script that would generate “random” curves along a path. This is for an architectural project that is still in the developmental stages… in the further stages of the project, each curve would be articulated for different uses but as of right now I just need to give a sense of the grain. So far I’ve been generating these by hand and it has been nightmare-ish. Please see screenshots below of what I mean.
I’m just starting to learn grasshopper and I don’t even know where to start and would appreciate member’s help… thank you!
TheCyclist beat me to it.
But here is a very simplified version. May or may not be what you’re looking for.
I started this one buy drawing a interpolated curve (highlighted yellow) in Rhino and set that as the curve in grasshopper.
Edit: Also if the curve resultes are too tight in the change of direction you could use “Fit Curve Smooth” and adjust the “a” input tolerance to smooth the curve out to your liking.
Type smooth, and it’ll populate up the list a short ways.
Once you add that component I would use a slider and attach it to “f” then you can adjust it and see what variations you can get.