R8 - How Do You Toggle Fullscreen On Mac?

Silly question but what is the Mac equivalent of the Rhino Fullscreen toggle F11 in Windows?

In Rhino->Document Properties->Keyboard I see F11 running the following macro on Windows:

! -_Fullscreen _ShowCommand=_Yes_ShowProperties=_Yes _Enter

however, when running Fullscreen command on Mac, it appears to not be a valid command.

I hope I’m missing something obvious.

Thanks for the help!

Just checking this too as per client request - Fullscreen is not a recognized command in Mac Rhino. How to then?

I tested with Window Layouts - not really great. Although I can close all the containers, there is still the entire border of the program window visible - the status bar and the viewport tabs on the bottom, the title bar on top, and the side borders. On top of that, there are major screen refresh problems. When I activate my pseudo-fullscreen window layout, a phantom left sidebar remains visible.

If I click in the window once it disappears.

When I go back to default window layout, I see this:

Not very satisfying… Maybe there is a better way? However the refresh problems shouldn’t be happening in any case.

yeah that is something i am also still waiting for, nobody needs the dumb mac os fullscreen for guinea pigs…