Quick conversion of image to curves

Hi Everyone, I am very new to Rhino and I have a quick question. I am trying to prepare a file for laser cutting. I have an image (with lots of details) I would like to see if there is an option to quick convert image to curves (like in Illustrator) and then to work further on editing curves and making corrections. Is there a function like this? Many thanks!

what type of image is it?
if it’s a raster type image (.jpg, .png, .tif) then no, you can’t edit the curves as you’re expecting.

if it’s a .pdf or .ai, then there’s a possibility that it’s vector in which you can edit the curves in Rhino.

if it’s the former, you may have luck with being able to convert to vector (or, have the image automatically traced for you)… search the web for ‘raster to vector’ (or similar)… you’ll likely find some free online converters that you can upload then get a vector file in return… i don’t know of any that i can recommend as being good but i imagine there are some out there.

Hi Jeff I am using jpg or tif - as it is a photo of a hand drawing. I know there are online converters and I would try those:) thank you

Hi Richard, thank you i will try

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