Question surface

I want to extend this surface 15mm higher but how do i do that?

thank you!

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Have you tried ExtendSrf command?


not working it says "Failed to extend. Nothing Done.

Could you share this 3dm file?

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Help needed.3dm (81 KB)
Here you go thank!

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The structure of this surface is not suitable for extending directly. You need to run ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge command to optimize this surface before extending it,

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The updated ExtendSrf in SRC 8.13 works with the surface without using ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge.


for a some reason ExtendSrf Isn’t working for me after ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge comands

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Yes, you are right. Thank you.

Please try to update to Rhino 8.13, and here is the link for it

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It worked thanks! So strange that 8.12 didn’t work

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