I want to extend this surface 15mm higher but how do i do that?
thank you!
Have you tried ExtendSrf command?
not working it says "Failed to extend. Nothing Done.
Could you share this 3dm file?
Help needed.3dm (81 KB)
Here you go thank!
The structure of this surface is not suitable for extending directly. You need to run ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge command to optimize this surface before extending it,
The updated ExtendSrf in SRC 8.13 works with the surface without using ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge.
for a some reason ExtendSrf Isn’t working for me after ShrinkTrimmedSrfToEdge comands
Yes, you are right. Thank you.
Please try to update to Rhino 8.13, and here is the link for it
It worked thanks! So strange that 8.12 didn’t work