About a week ago you put a gallery tab in the drop down menu on the main forum page, it disappeared within a day or two. I see the gallery posts on the rendering page but this keeps others from seeing the gallery if they do not go to the rendering page. There has been a bit of action on the gallery but if more were aware of it I think it will become a major part of this wonderful forum.
I’m glad you like the new category, I was really just following the suggestion from other users. I made it as a sub-category under Rendering so I’m not sure why it would have been a main category at one point. The direct link is and if you make a new topic in the category it comes up in the recent posts list, if you’re viewing all categories. Maybe the sub-category should be moved to it’s own category and not be rendering specific? Is that what you’re suggesting? I think there will be varied opinions on this so the best solution might be to just make a new category called “Rhino Projects” and leave Gallery where it is… Thoughts anyone?
probably just one category that’s not a sub-category… could still be called gallery.
basically a place for renders, WIPs, completed projects, etc… any type of rhino work that someone feels like sharing.
one category encompassing all of that would probably be more interesting and simple than a bunch of specified sub-categories