Hi guys, I have an issue on quadremesh. I am trying to generate a surface / nurb model from a scandata converted mesh model. I tried the step by step on youtube tutorial, but I keep on getting the “QuadRemesh failed to create a valid SubD” error. btw, my system requirements is above the recommended set up. The file I am trying work on is a mesh model from a pointcloud scan with million of points. I am not sure if the file size itself has something to do with it. Hope to hear from the experts and a
ppreciate your help in advance!!Hello - does it make a mesh, if you do not ask for a SubD ?
Hi Pascal,
Yes it does, the problem is the subD.
Hello - OK, but the meshing comes first, regardless - it may be worth inspecting the mesh - your input is quite a complicated thing.
Hi Pascal,
Yeah I was able to create a mesh out of it but no luck in creating the subD. See screenshot
I am also wondering if there’s another way to create a surface model from the mesh generated from the qhadremesh.
I might suggest filling the holes on your scanned mesh and adding some guide curves before running _QuadRemesh again.
Thanks Ryan,
Will do that now. I’ll let you know if my progress.
Hi Ruel -
As a first step, you might want to run the MeshRepair
command on that original scan and check if that mesh is any good and if it can be repaired.
What software did you use to generate the mesh? It might be worth it to repair in the scanners postprocessing software. I’m using Artec Studio and it has really good tools to close / repair incomplete meshes.
I tried mesh repair but still got the same error, what I did is that I refine the mesh in fusion, fill all holes, decimates facets and re-export to STL. Redo the mesh repair and it works!
Appreciate your help WIM…
Hi Martin,
thank you for your suggestion, Rhino’s process is a bit tedious, but I got it working. I will try your suggestion on my net project.
Hi Ryan,
Yup. I did refine the mesh and it work!
Thank you for your help…
btw, I used Leica 3DReshaper to generate the mesh.