Quad-remesh very complex object


I am trying to quad-remesh the following huge mesh. The problem is, I’m having trouble finding a good setting. This mesh is made of voxels, so it should be manifold (though gh says it’s an invalid mesh that’s open?)

The mesh comes from: 4D objects in Blender! - YouTube. It’s a few hundred mbs, so I can’t upload it

I tried 2000, 4000, and 6000 as quad remesh settings. The problems are:
1 the resulting mesh is invalid
2 it takes very long to load (there are 5 million vertices)

I am trying to find a low-enough number, so that the ‘jagged’ parts of the mesh do not show up in the remeshing: for a wrinkly lizard tail, I want the remeshed tail to be smooth (it captures the general shape, and omits the smaller wrinkle detail)

Thanks a lot!

(I did not expect invalid remeshing result, since the original mesh is manifold)

Use Shrinkwrap in Rhino 8 or Dendro in Rhino 7 to get a low res mesh. Then you will be able to quad remesh.

Or generate it in Grasshopper from scratch and choose a low res directly. I don’t really see why using a 100 000 000 faces mesh and then asking for a 4000 faces mesh.

You could also use naive surface net iso surfacing which generates just quad.

Thanks for your help! I am trying out this method now

Lowering resolution has two problem:
1 the mesh becomes chunky, so I lose the silky-drapery-like characteristic of the shape, and some details
2 There’s no ‘Volume’ component (in the Blender script, it is, I now understand, a bunch of points. Its distribution can be changed by math, and each point can turn into voxel, and combine into one single mesh–I think Houdini has this too?) I’m still figuring out how to get something similar in gh.

In gh I currently have a ‘box array’ of points that each turn into a voxel. But it doesn’t really work because every voxel is evenly spaced out :melting_face:

I am curious. what is the point to make it into quads? Or is it just a experiment?

Hi Quan, thanks for your reply. I have two goals:

1 reduce the size while preserving the look ← the ‘look’ here is the silky (or cotton-candy-like) characteristic
2 apply NURBS features to it
Getting Quad mesh seems to be the best way to get NURBS in this situation

The original mesh made in Blender is a quad.

And… let me make a nice render first before going deeper :grin:

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This looks really nice, especially with the wrinkly pattern (reminds me of a metaballs tutorial that generates the silver lines)!

Due to the tutorial’s optimization (mirroring), there is a ‘gap’/seam/crevice through the XY plane cross-section. Not doing the optimization slows down a bit but gets rid of the gap