Python Script to batch .dwg to .obj

I wonder if someone can help me out here. I am trying to make a batch conversion script with Python and I have no idea what I am doing. I found another script on the forum that I modified and it is almost doing what I need. The only thing missing is control of the mesh settings when exporting to .obj. The default setting are a bit course for my needs. This is the code I have thus far. Thanks in advance!


import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import os.path
def BatchSaveAs():

    folder = "/Users/shane/Desktop/dwg-in"
    saveFolder = "/Users/shane/Desktop/obj-out"

    for filename in os.listdir(folder):
        if filename.endswith(".dwg"):
            fullpath = os.path.join(folder,filename).lower()
            rs.Command("-Import {} _Enter".format(fullpath))
            comm="_-ExportAll "
            rs.Command(comm + chr(34) + saveFolder + "/" + filename + ".obj" + chr(34)  + " _Enter" + " _Enter")

Hello - See if you can see the obj export options if you remove the second “Enter” in your command string.


Thank you Pascal, that does work but it requires me to manually enter the values for each file. Is there a way to enter export settings in the script? I have over a thousand of these files to batch.



Bumping this again as I have not been able to figure it out myself. I have the script in my first post working well but my mesh setting need to be higher as I am getting very jagged renderings. I found another batch script written by Mitch Heynick that appears to be setting the mesh quality on export but I have not been able to add the functionality into my script. Below is the part of Mitch’s code that I believe is setting the export quality. Is there anyway I can add something like this into my script?

Thanks for the help.

def GetOBJSettings():
e_str = "_Geometry=_Mesh "
e_str+= "_EndOfLine=CRLF "
e_str+= "_ExportRhinoObjectNames=_ExportObjectsAsOBJGroups "
e_str+= "_ExportMeshTextureCoordinates=_Yes "
e_str+= "_ExportMeshVertexNormals=_Yes "
e_str+= "_CreateNGons=_No "
e_str+= "_ExportMaterialDefinitions=_No "
e_str+= "_YUp=_No "
e_str+= "_WrapLongLines=Yes "
e_str+= "_VertexWelding=_Unmodified "
e_str+= "_WritePrecision=16 "
e_str+= "_Enter _DetailedOptions "
e_str+= "_JaggedSeams=_No "
e_str+= "_PackTextures=_No "
e_str+= "_Refine=_Yes "
e_str+= "_SimplePlane=_No "
e_str+= "_AdvancedOptions "
e_str+= "_Angle=15 "
e_str+= "_AspectRatio=0 "
e_str+= "_Distance=0.01 "
e_str+= "_Grid=16 "
e_str+= "_MaxEdgeLength=0 "
e_str+= "_MinEdgeLength=0.0001 "
e_str+= "_Enter _Enter"
return e_str