PushPull Dark Blue Highlight

Hello, why I can’t push pull in this situation? What does the dark blue highlight means?

Heres the sample file:
PushPullNotWorking.3dm (145.1 KB)

Hi @Gustavo_Soares_Silva
Seems to work fine here - what part of the command isn’t working for you?

HTH, Jakob

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Oh, i found that some times the PushPull command asks for “region”, and that was the case. So its just to press enter again. But most of the time it goes directly to the “choose distance” question. Now I’m wondering what makes each situation different.
In this example file, if you PushPull the top face of the object it goes directly to “distance” command line, but on the face I first mentioned it goes to “region” then “distance” command line. What and why are the differences? Sorry for the newbie questions xD

Hi @Gustavo_Soares_Silva
Don’t apologize - we’re all learning :slight_smile: The reason (or difference between the two scenarios) is that the top face only has ONE face, so the command automatically goes directly to the distance. On the lower face, there are actually 6 different combo’s of regions to choose between:

Pink, orange, green, pink+orange, pink+green, orange+green and pink+orange+green
Therefore the command pauses (and awaits your Enter) until you’ve selected the region(s) you want, eg. you can PushPull the pink and green area in one go.
HTH, Jakob

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Thaaaaaanks a lot Jakob! I’ll certainly use this “region” command line often, it’s so useful. :open_mouth: Have a nice day :smiley: