Publishing the script(RH/GH)

Hello all,
I watched this video made by Ehsan, trying to make a rhp, gha file. However, when I tried to build the package, an error message occurred saying “Failed getting NETFramework reference assemblies”.

Anyone also has encountered this issue? and how can I fix it?


Is your machine connected to the internet? The build mechanism needs to download references assemblies package from Nuget so that needs to be accessible. Would you mind running RhinoCodeLogs command and sharing the contents? There should be more info about the error there.

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Thanks for your reply!

Yes, the internet is connected. Provided is the content after running the “RhinoCodeLogs” command.

Report.txt (36.9 KB)

Okay seems like there is a Newtonsoft.Json dll conflict exist on your Rhino.

1: What plugins do have have installed? I’m trying to figure out if any other plugin loads a different version of Newtonsoft.Json.dll into Rhino

2: Are you running in NetCore or NetFramework? If you don’t know it is NetCore and you can use the SetDotnetFramework command to see what is the currently running runtime. I will add that to logs to I don’t have to ask this question anymore :smiley:

  1. I have installed Pufferfish, Peacock, ladybug, Human, Lunchbox, Elefront, Duck, Wallacei, and my customised components(but it is obfuscated). Does obfuscation matter? The script I am trying to run the “build package” doesn’t contain that component tho.

  2. Yeah, currently using NetCore. and I’ve checked it using the “SetDotnetFramework” command.

Thank you :slight_smile:

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but still, it keeps giving me the same error :frowning:

Same issue here.

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Ok I investigated this and can replicate now. Will get it fixed and sorry for the errors :smiley:

RH-75990 Publishing fails due to missing Newtonsoft.Json

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