Publish to RCP "Curve Input" component not possible?

I created a small definition who it is using as input the “Curve Input” component, it is making some mathematical operations and it is providing me a number as output into a “Panel” component.

As I want to use this definition more often I need to publish to RCP for quick access but unfortunately seems that the “Curve Input” component don’t have an option to be published to RCP.

It is possible to add an option also for the Grasshopper input components to be published to RCP? Without this option I need to open the Grasshopper window just to click on Curve Input component and after that to select the desired curves from the Rhino viewport. Will be much more efficient to do this straight from the RCP by clicking on Curve Input RCP button, ask to select curves, select the desired curves and the Panel RCP component displays instantly the result.


Nope, at the moment the number of different objects that are ‘publishable’ is pretty small.

Maybe an ideea for future development? Will be great to have also the imputs on RCP.

I usually use the Geometry Pipeline (or a custom script) for this of typeflow:

It allows you to dynamically grab geometry from the Rhino document and feed that to your Grasshopper pipeline (example here). I would recommend using the (often overlooked) layer menu at the bottom of the GUI to quickly switch between layers, while simultaneously operating the RCP.

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Thank you for this explanation. Unfortunately I can’t understand how you are getting the active layer feed up into Pipline component. I can’t get that. Hoe to make Pipeline component to be fed with the geometry from the active layer?

It’s based on layer naming (in my example “MyCurves”). The video example I link to demonstrates this behaviour.

I made a quick test and I found two limitations:

  1. I can’t find a way to define a sublayer. For example I can’t find a way to define the sublayer “Def” from the layer “Default”.

  2. If two or more sublayers have the same name, the “Pipeline” component will use all of them! I mean will select all the specified geometry from all the sublayers that have the same name (ex: “Def”).

Try the “Elefront” plugin, it lets you use a dynamic pipeline and do stuff like “ParentLayer::ChildLayer::Etc”

You can use wildcards to specify layer names, i.e. *Def, or you can use double colons to separate parent child layers, i.e. Default::Def

Had some time today to try your recommendation but unfortunately not working.

Ah, that sub-layer stuff was a recentish addition, it would not have been ported to the Mac.