Projecting Points onto Inner Curve in Straight Lines

hello all

im trying to project points onto an inner curve along straight lines. As you can see in the attached 2nd image, some of the projections are snapping to the outer curve instead of following the desired straight line paths

im trying to find a way to ensure all projections land on the inner curve while maintaining straight line connections from the original points.

projecting points (83.9 KB)

please help , thank you (42.6 KB)

thank you sir,shattering the curve is a good idea .
but im trying to project the points to inner curve could you please take a look at the updated gh file please and help me & is there any way to stop the projection of points exactly at inner curve not beyond that because at corners extended curves create extra slots

No. I spent enough time on this already and don’t understand your goal.

it would be very helpful for me if you take a another look sir . my aim is to project the points to inner curve making that projection a straight line , its like using the pull point component but instead of snapping at nearest point , i want to snap at where its making straight line , as i showed in the attached image the yellow lines indicating point is projecting towrds inner curve making straight lines. where ever i marked the green portions, those are correct sir . thank you

Is this what you want? All the slots cross the inner edge, not the outer edge? (48.5 KB)

I did not look at your code again. Your words did not help. Only your last image made this clear to me.

this is what i wanted sir , all slots should cross inner edges sir.
i tried this script with few more curve plates but i didnt get the desired result, with ur shatter curve component idea , i made a new script sir

when im using the extend curve component slot is going into the other plate as shown in the image with red circles creating inwanted slots

slots (2.8 MB)
thank you sir