I’m having fits printing full scale part templates from Rhino, I’ve tried to read all the prior entries relating to this topic and still can’t get an accurate print. I’ve dimensioned the part in question so it would print that out as well as a means of checking accuracy.
In the 3D drawing file, the part is at an angle to the normal right view, so I start by orienting camera view to surface after aligning the construction plane to the surface. I can pull accurate dimensions off the part to verify the part is as it should be. I create a new layout and verify the same orientation as in the viewport. I then hit command print, check paper orientation, set scale to 1:1 (if need be) and print hard copy. The printed image is never printed 1:1. What am I doing wrong? Is it unreasonable to expect to get accurate prints from Rhino?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.