Print in rhino

Hi, i just want to print this (photo 1) but then when i open the image in Photoshop what i have is this (photo 2). I just want the silhouete

I suppose it can be changed in options but i dont know how

Hi Bruno -

I’m not completely sure what that means in this context.
Also, could you post the display mode information, print settings and format, and, why not, the file, that you are using?

Iam using the render view and i just want to export the figure (pic 1), not the figure and those white boxes (pic 2).
Sure, here is the file. Im using a viewport (maybe the problem is there, i dont know how to use it well). I want tyhe background transparent, i know how to do that, but when i export it it still appear those white boxes around the figure (as i say i just want to export the figure, thats whait i mean when i say “the silhouete”)
prueba.3dm (3.2 MB)