Print geometry at the same position in the viewport

Good morning,

I am trying to place meshes and curves that I generate in a specific position on the screen, so that when I rotate the rest of the objects, this geometry always remains in the same position. In my grasshopper script I do it with the Human plugin, with the components: Render Text to Screen
Render Mesh to Screen
Render Curve to Screen
Render Point to Screen

Is there a way to do this and preview it in the shapediver web viewer? I have seen that texts and images can be loaded but they are not self-oriented with respect to the camera’s point of view, but rather remain static in the 3D environment.

Thanks in advance

This is not possible at the moment. We will review those Human components and check if we can develop a similar feature for ShapeDiver.

And currently, is there any alternative solution that allows what these human components do? Or how would you recommend doing something similar?

Thank you Mathieu!

The Human plugin makes use of the display conduit of Rhino, it is very specific to working inside a Rhino viewport. Such a feature would have to be rebuilt from scratch in the ShapeDiver online viewer (and/or the App Builder), and work in a different way. If you want to build something similar yourself, you could use the viewer API and start working with the viewports there.