Preventing pattern distortion when surface meshing

circlegradientformesh.3dm (48.7 KB) (10.3 KB)

Hi all! I created a gradient-type mesh made of circles that I’m using for a project inspired by the De Young Museum, but whenever I apply the pattern it turns the circles into ovals. The reference pattern is fine but it seems to distort when I apply it to any other surface, large or small, planar or curved. This is my first project in Grasshopper so I apologize if I missed something easy!

I believe the ellipse “distortion” is due to differences in height:width ratios between your source and target surfaces. Same thing happens using Map Srf instead of Surface Morph.

There are many ways to do this. I chose to make the circles directly on the target surface. I left your gradient method alone, though I would do it differently. Two surfaces are internalized, no need for Rhino file. (15.8 KB)

You might want to pull these circles to the surface and cull points (circles) on the edges.

Great, thank you for your help!!

Gradient methods can get crazy, I’ve written a few. At first I thought yours was “wrong” in some way but it works! I struggle to understand why :question: :wink: