Populate geometry with custom 3D polysurface


I have seen a similar topic mentioned but it was not specific enough. I’m trying to make a polysurface shape I made to be assigned along various points on a curve. I have managed to populate points along contour curves but now I need to make my polysurface to be generated in those positions.

This is the base I am trying to get the shape to populate on:

And this is the shape I need to populate:

I want to make the shape to be protruding out of the terrain at various angles to achieve a hazardous landscape. What would be the best way to make it work?

Thank you.

Randomly rotate the geometry?

rnd-rotate.gh (18.3 KB)

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Thank you so much for your help! I tried integrating with my original file and I think I can tweak a few things from here. Thank you so much again for your help.