Populate 3d surface with small extruded shapes in Grasshopper

This is more or less the effect I want to achieve, probably on a smaller scale since I think it’s pretty heavy to process all that geometry.
This is the surface I want to populate in correspondence of the points:

And these are some small extrusions I made to place on each point on the surface:

What I would like to do is to randomly choose one of the four extrusions and place it on each point on the base surface, possibly having also the chance to make a boolean addition at the end.
Thank you very much in advance for you suggestions.
PS5 logos on handle.3dm (5.0 MB)

A start could be doing circle-packing on the shape, with some leniency regarding their overlap, then orienting the extrusions to the base planes of those circles. Alternatively, you could get the planes at each point on the shape (without circle-packing), randomly rotate these planes, and then orient the extrusions.

pop_geo_2024Jan25a.gh (11.0 KB)

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populate with triremesh v0.gh (107.1 KB)
As for how to boolean them…hmm… maybe try voxel tools or just fusion 360.

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That’s what I was looking for, thank you very much.

Thanks for your reply.