How can I turn this polysurface to a surface closely as possible?
polysurface.3dm (311.2 KB)
Seems to be a polysurface derieved from a SubD.
Do you have the original SubD mesh?
dup the boarder plus a few of these edges, split the ends at each far side and rebuild the curves with fitcrv for instance to get single curves and use networks surface, you can also use patch you dont have to split the curve ends then.
What are you going to do with this surface?
How close does the surface need to be to the original polysurface.
Do you need the exact rounded border (then an exact matching surface will be difficult to achieve)?
Edit: okay, @encephalon already started to explain the patch method.
well there is also sweep but my first 2 trials did not yield anything positive too wavy. as you wrote it depends what he needs it for, network surface also yields 2 singularities which might get in the way in further steps, so patch then would be better.
Yes, if he needs the exact border of the the polysurface, it will be difficult to recrated a smooth surface without too much deviation.
It would probably a good case for Xnurbs.
Sorry for the late reply. This is surface of a roof. I’m gonna run few simulations on it like water flow etc. After that I’m gonna model the roof. Roof is going to be on top of a steel structure so more close more better. My good enough tolerance is usually 0.5mm but if it’s not possible I’m okay with best I can get. I’m kinda busy right now I’m gonna test all your solutions soon as possible. Thanks a lot for the help.
I am using PointDeviation command with default settings to measure difference. Is it reliable for this?
usually yes, that is a very accurate tool.
also simulations also work on mesh, so you simply mesh the entire structure no need for nurbs then… or why nurbs?
anyway if nurbs then network surface could work, the singularities should not matter then i assume, but also patch should work if that gets you there within your tolerance
Yeah patch worked good enough. I couldn’t manage the network surface anyway hahaha. Thanks a lot.