Hello everyone. I need help for converting a polysurface into a surface to have a uniform mesh. I would be thankful if anyone can help me with this problem. I want to create surface topography for ground.
Is the 2D projection of the boundary rectangular?
Please upload a Rhino file with the relevant geometry so we don’t have to play the guess game…
QuadRemesh is the tool you need.
You convert the polysurface into a nice quad SubD then into Nurbs and you’re done.
The best would be to just keep the SubD so the result will be lighter.
Topography.3dm (1.3 MB)
Here you are my friend. I used “Sketch” Layer and Loft curves to create this Polysurface as you see.
actually I just want Rhino mesh to have a basic mesh for remeshing geometry with another tool I just have added to Rhino which named Griddle. (it is a plug-in that you meshing your geometries to import into a Finite Difference software called FLAC 3D)
I looked at your file again and noticed you’re using a pirated license. I do not support that.
The file you have uploaded is Rhino8 save file. My version is 7
yes unfortunately I’m living in Iran and I can’t buy the license.