Polygon clipping and offset

Hi! I am new to GH and this is something I am trying to re-create.

  1. The first problem I found myself in was the polygon clipping at the last row, where I think another row of polygons are being created.
  2. I also realized that moving the point doesn’t exactly affect the polygon the way I want it to. It seems to be only (partially) correctly effects the polygon (making it into a triangle) in the location I initially set it in. When I move the point around, it doesn’t work as well as I thought it would.
  3. I am also not able to move past this stage. The next thing I wanted to create was the inner offset curve within the space between the inner and outer polygon, in each instances.

Any help would be much appreciated! :cry:

Parametric Polygon.gh (21.1 KB)

Screenshot 2024-10-05 170230

welcome to this forum.
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I just added that in! Thanks for pointing it out and sharing the guidelines!

You didn’t look carefully to the data, there are 49 polygons and 64 points !
Inspect, inspect … You can hover on the input or output to see datastructure.
A polygon is closed if you add the first point

or set closed to true

I doubt it is an offset, more a scale (that work with all sizes)

For the fillet, it could be possible to take more robust way of doing but it seems quite good here
Parametric Polygon LD.gh (15.4 KB)

And for the completeness of the discussion, it could be good you give the source of the work you want to copy.

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That was quick! Thank you so much @laurent_delrieu . It’s a long road ahead for me with GH. Even though I was trying to figure it out using data management with the help of tutorials, I was nowhere near the right place.

In regards to the source, this was one of the few parametric design references that was shared with us to try and reverse engineer. This reference image didn’t come with any other details regarding it.